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Our Story

This is where it all began... our journey, values and vision.

The Founders

Hey, you! We are Ricardo & Tim from Luxembourg 🇱🇺

Our love for sports, fitness & health started the beginning of our friendship. Beside a healthy lifestyle, we always felt a passion to start our own business someday.

And that’s exactly what we did. We combined our love and passion and started naway to bring something new and unique to the supplement world –
transparency, honesty and quality.

“We make no compromises when it comes to our supplements, neither should you!”

Ricardo & Tim

Our Values

We want healthy and natural. For you and for us.
We use only essential, high quality and, most important, plant-based ingredients.

Our Quality

Every product development starts with questioning the status quo. This applies to the ingredients and origin of each raw material. Because for us, quality matters.

Our Vision

We want to revolutionize the supplement market by providing the new standard of supplements through plant-based & delicious products.

The Journey so far...

2018 January

The idea

The more health conscious we became, the more we looked for supplements that mirrowed that kind of mentality. But as it turned out, it’s nearly impossible to find any supplements that are not full of artificial ingredients…

2018 February


As we settled on the basic idea of creating natural supplements, we started to go into some research. Without us even knowing, this was the first step into making this idea reality.

2018 June

Contacting first potential suppliers & partners

But this easier said than done as we didn’t know where to start. Research was hard & overwhelming at times. But we were eager to keep digging.

This led to our first calls. We still remember them quite well. They were kinda awkward and usually went like this:
“Hey, we are Tim & Ricardo and we’d like to create a supplement brand…?”

2018 November

First samples

Towards the end of the year, we had contacted several companies and received quite a lot of samples ranging from protein creams, different packaging options to alcohol ice cream flavoured protein powders.

We tried them one by one until we finally found the right partner to help develop our products.

2019 March

Establishing a company

Doing the legal work took more time than expected, like everything else in life. But after a few months honest+ was established and we finally started the development of our first product.

2019 June

Our first product

Our first product whey+ was finally ready after months of development. In the classic flavours vanilla & chocolate. Nothing too fancy but we finally created a product that came from only natural ingredients.

But in the meantime we also built a website with an online shop, bought the right shipping Boxes etc to officially start selling.

We did some events where we invited people to come and try our product and give them a chance to buy a container right there if they liked it. That’s how we sold our first few containers. Pretty exciting!

Then we tried to get into local gyms and shops which was a difficult task for two young entrepreneurs to convince gym and shop owners to buy into the idea and into us. How should they know that this was going to be a serious business? And not just some youngster trying to make a buck with a bad product…

So we got a lot of NO’s but eventually we also got a few yes’.

2019 December

Success Story

We applied for the RTL Success Story. After a first get together and little talk, we got accepted with our project.

The first show aired, we were able to convince the jury with honest+ and made it into the next round where we got a lot of challenges we had to achieve in order to make it to the next round.

One of those challenges was to get our brand name revised. Unfortunately we found out, that the name was not registered yet but there was similar name registered. It is quite a big company (hint they used to put cocoaine into their drinks;)) and they were taking legal actions against everyone who tried to register a name that contained “honest”.

So that’s what we did. The sooner the better. We ordered stickers to put over the remaining containers, so the old name wasn’t visible anymore. We got a new domain and let our new name be registered legally. To name just a few things we had to do. That’s how honest+ became naway and how we got into the finals of the Success Story.

Eventually it just wasn’t enough to make it to the podium. But we were happy with the result nevertheless.

*note: the show is in Luxembourgish

2020 June

Launch vegan+

We launched our second product after 1 full year and the response was amazing!
People loved our plant based protein vegan+ for its quality and its taste.

Our second product. Time flies. The company is evolving and growing and so are we. There is still a long way to go, we know that, but this has been another big milestone for us, to be able to produce a second product.

2020 September

The ultimate whey

Our first batch of whey+ had been sold out and that fact alone made us very happy. But we had some big improvments in mind.

We wanted the ultimate quality for our protein. So we switched to the country with the best milk, where the grass is richest in nutrients and the cows graze the longest outside. Certified grass fed cows from small dairy farms in Ireland!

But we didn’t stop there. We switched to the purest form of protein. 100% Whey isolate which provides maximum protein per scoop with almost 0 carbs and fats.

And the best part is, our whey+ is now lab tested lactose free.

2021 January

Success Story 02

After 2020, a year full of obstacles and a pandemic, we had another episode of the Success Story to see how far we’ve come, what we accomplished in the past year and how the pandemic affected us.

*note: the show is in Luxembourgish

2021 February

Launch new flavour vegan+

Our plant based protein vegan+ just got it’s second flavour – salted caramel fudge.

But not without it’s obstacles. In the production there had been some kind of misplacement of our pea & rice protein and the new flavours. So in the end it tasted different than what we actually developped… This has been fixed in the meantime.

Ad Caramel
2021 June

New flavours for whey+

Brace yourselves, new summer flavours for our whey+ are coming!

whipped strawberry cream & …

Whipped Strawberry Cream
2021 July

New flavours for whey+

banana milkshake.

Banana Milkshake
2021 August

A milestone

We’ve got our stock facility and we automated our shipping processes. This is huge for us! Up until now, our stocking and shipping processes were.. let’s say, simple.

2021 September

A new contender!

boost+, our newest addition to naway’s all-natural supplements.

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2022 April

Goodbye stress & bad sleep!

We are introducing sleep+

Based on plant extracts in combination with magnesium and melatonine finally gives you the sleep and recovery you need for so long.

Reduce stress, sleep deeper and recover faster.

The best sleep enhancer you can find out there!

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2022 May

Did someone say choco?

vegan+ finally got its long waited chocolate flavour.

This is definitely worth a try, even for non vegans!

vegan choco 01
2023 February

We are not stopping!

The past months have been ups and downs for us. The situation in the supply chain and increasing prices also hit us hard.

It took us some time, but we found a solution to keep up the best possible quality, without increasing our prices.

We sold out all out whey+ – first of all, thanks to everyone who uses our products, this is already amazing! – and we created a new product, moving away from whey+ and vegan+ and combining all in one plant-based, vegan protein powder.

protein+ is the result and comes with its first flavour: creamy coconut!

We are already developing more flavours for protein+ and hope that we will increase our selection until summer!

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2023 October

We Today

This year we really spiced it up!

After launching the first Protein+ we created 3 more flavours:
– Cinnamon Cereal
– Vanilla Ice Cream
– Chocolate Fudge

And we are just getting started!

Right now a brand new product is in development.

2024 February

Clear+ is coming!

We launched Clear+, our first plant-based clear protein.
But what does clear protein mean?

Clear+ is a refreshing new way to enjoy your protein intake. Designed to be mixed with water, Clear+ can be enjoyed any time, even during your workouts!


Stay with us, we have much more to come!


We were in the same class in high-school and a little later our roads crossed again at the university.

This is when it all started.
This is when we became super swole.

Tim likes going to the cinema, Ricardo not so much.

Our company and brand name were honest+ but after we check legally we got advised to change it as there was a big brand using an “honest” name.

At that time, this was a big hit for us, as it meant changing up a lot of things with little to no budget. With our first product already published we came up with creative ideas to make the name change as pleasant as possible for us and our customers.

It was weird and it needed some time to adapt but today we stand proudly as naway | natural supplements

Tim trains in CK Junglinster.
Ricardo trains in Bodygym Temmels.

Tim’s favourite shake is the Protein+ Chocolate Fudge, nothing beats that.

Ricardo’s new favourite all year long is the Clear+ Peach Ice Tea.


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Naway Supplements

plant-based supplements


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Naway Supplements

plant-based supplements